The charismatic movement is a movement, particularly among Evangelical Protestants, that proposes it experiences a frequent and particularly strong "outpouring of the gifts" of the Holy Spirit. This often takes the form of "glossolalia" - speaking in tongues, but can also include frequent claims of healings and visions. These are often introduced into Charismatic sessions through moments specially designated for improvisation. Another common characteristic of the Charismatic movement is a belief that the Second Coming is imminent and will occur within a matter of years. (Orthodox Wiki)
Charismatic Christianity is a form of Christianity that emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts as an everyday part of a believer's life. It has a global presence in the Christian community. Practitioners are often called Charismatic Christians or Renewalists. Although there is considerable overlap, Charismatic Christianity is often categorized into three separate groups: Pentecostalism, the Charismatic movement (which is spread across historical Christian denominations), and the Neo-charismatic movement.
Charismatic Christianity grew out of [[Protestantism]] and is distinguished from Pentecostalism by making the act of speaking in tongues no longer necessary as evidence of baptism with the Holy Spirit, and giving prominence to a diversity of spiritual gifts. (Wikipedia)